In hindsight, <u>from the Gilded Age </u><u>monopolists </u><u>perspective they would say that they have pushed too far with manipulation of prices and thus brought negative reaction and counter measures from the general public.</u> In particular, farmers in the Western country demanded that the government set maximum prices on railroads because monopolist had uncontrolled pricing power. Through the Granger movement they achieved passing of some of the ‘Granger Laws’ and set pricing limit on some services.
This concerned other industries as well. For example, the famous <u>Robber baron</u> Vanderbilt was competing with steamboat monopoly that controlled transportation between New York City and Albany. Using populist rhetoric and peoples line to bring down monopolies, he was trying to pave the way for his own business. Meanwhile, <u>the monopolistic Hudson River Steamboat Association end up paying him a great amount of money so that he would stop doing it</u>.
Which of the following is an example of an army custom would be: <span>Don't jump the chain of command.
Custom is a set of rules that define proper behavior but does not actually punishable by formal law if its being violated. The punishment for jumping a chain of command usually only informal punishments such as running or cleaning the base</span>
In To Kill a Mockingbird in chapter 23, there are a couple of cases of minutes when Scout and Jem discover that the grown-up world has more than its offer of treacheries. One illustration is when Aunt Alexandra calls Walter Cunningham "waste." And Scout is subjected to this dogmatism after Calpurnia had advised her to treat everybody similarly. This is plainly an illustration where Calpurnia is appeared to be more liberal.
Egyptian hieroglyphs and cuneiform are both logo-graphic scripts. · Hieroglyphs are written as an Abuja. · Cuneiform is written as a syllabify.
The answer is C, Regulation by a government agency.