When Hyperbaton is used, words and phrases exceed their conventional placements and meanings and result in a more complex and intriguing sentence structure (used to add more depth and interest to the sentence structure)
When Chronology is used, a manipulation in the time and events can be seen, and allows for the disorder of time. Relevance to all points of the past and future are made possible and the understanding of cause and effect is better made.
Compose a character study on a character from a book, television show, graphic novel, or any media that you like. Identify one character from your selection choice and complete an in-depth character study on that one character. Keep reading to learn more about creating a character study.
Compose a character study on a character from a book, television show, graphic novel, or any media that you like. Identify one character from your selection choice and complete an in-depth character study on that one character. Keep reading to learn more about creating a character study.
The second sentence's style is appropriate for a job application.
he reassesses his situation
this reassures him and calms his nerves. he could try standing to.
Naman and Chaman are runing fast.