Othello fits the description of a tragic hero.
A hero is a character who has the ability to accomplish great things. A tragic hero is no different, since he has this ability. However, the great deeds of a tragic hero result in suffering and the disgrace of him and those around him.
Othello is a perfect example of a tragic hero, since his actions lead to himself and the people he loves death. Othello causes misfortune by acting out of jealousy, arrogance, lack of critical sense, remorse and impulsiveness. This all causes very bad effects through great actions.
Based on Anton Chekhov's background, he was a very philanthropical person. He pursued the career of writing in order to get his family out of poverty. His experiences during his life, were portrayed by the lawer in his story, "The Bet." Like the lawyer, Anton Chekov decided to devote his life to what he always believed, and he values experiences in life more than the material gains.
Is there a text or little story or anything else that goes with this question?
I'm not sure what I have to write or put, also, it there options to pick from?