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How to get "Primary Purpose of Passage" right? : Verbal
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Jun 24, 2007
I always get "The Primary Purpose of this passage is to?" wrong on Reading Comp. I'm guessing this is hurting my score as it seems like a simple questions and I always get it wrong.
Any idea on how to nail this??? I started taking notes during the section and it helps. I know what the passage is about, but trying to stick it into one of those GMAT choices is difficult. Suggestions?
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Jun 24, 2007
Main Idea/Primary Purpose Questions:
Many people believe there is no difference between the main or central idea of the passage and the primary purpose of the author of the passage. This is simply not true. Let's take a look at the subtle but important difference between them:
Main Idea
The question might look something like this:
"Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?"
"Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage?"
"Which of the following is the principal topic of the passage?"
"The main topic of the passage is...."
Primary Purpose
The question might look like this:
"The primary purpose of this passage is to..."
"The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to..."
"The primary focus of this passage is on which of the following?"
"The main concern of the passage is to..."
"In the passage, the author is primarily interested in...."
"The passage is chiefly concerned with..."
i think this is helpful to
so all you have to do for the first one is write about someone that happened to you in the past or if you are speaking 3rd person/2nd/person/1st person write about it like that. and for the second one just write tiny affirmations or whatever
memories of is how you fel ther you have to write
1. being in a healthy family is important for emotional health. Communication is a huge aspect of being a part of a family. Lessons learned in the house are carried out into the world.
2. My family does seem very spiritual however communication is somewhat minimal and we tend to have a very small group of people that we see often almost exclusively uncles and aunts which in Hawaii is what we call friends of our parents or long time family friends.
3. If the world was ending tomorrow would we mourn our impending doom or would we have a party?
4. I personally don’t feel the most connected in terms of communication with my family, often times i am deceptive or avoid telling them things for fear of abandonment or disappointment. Although they have never once hinted at kicking me out disappointing them feels worse than death.