1. Timespan
2. Plots (events that make up the story and what leads up to the resolution)
3. Conflict complexity
Why? Well, see below!
Short stories and novels are very different, and they vary in many different categories that make up why they’re called what they’re called. One difference between these two is the timespans set. In short stories, the timespan tends to be very short because as mentioned, it is a short story. The plot is kept simple, and a short solution to a problem is identified and put into action. The next difference is plot (and subplots). Plots are a huge difference between these two because in a short story, little capacity of description is provided, whereas in a novel, the plot is described more in depth. It typically is more reasonable to read a novel because the plot familiarizes itself with the reader, which results in a better comprehension of how the problem is brought about and solved. The final difference is conflict complexity. This is a big difference as well between novels and short stories because in a novel, the conflict is less timely and more descriptive. The protagonist may often encounter more conundrums in the path of solving one, which would make the general conflict more difficult to solve. If you need extra help, let me know and I will gladly assist you.
Answer. At the point when environment connects with biosphere they centers around on the sources and sinks of green house gases (GHGs) air toxins, specific issues, water and vitality between the world's surface and the climate. The biosphere influences the atmosphere
This is a matter of Criminal Law.When you break a law, you are committing a crime. When you break a law, you have a legal punishment. The penalty increases the faster the person travels above the speed limit. The most severe punishments are for those who travel faster than 20 miles per hour above the speed limit.
The law is intended to protect people's safety.The source of the law is a statute – a written law that tells us what to do and what not to do. Since it is a local law that “outlines punishments,” it is also a municipal law.
Many people will be killed on the road if speed limit is not followed.he purpose of the law is to stop people from speeding. Speeding can cause accidents that hurt the driver or other people. The faster you go increases the risk of an accident. The law is intended to protect people’s safety. If it did not exist, people could drive whatever speed they wanted. They could drive 100 mph in a school zone. In the scenario, he was driving 22 mph over the speed limit and his wife and unborn child were in the car. He could have had an accident and killed all of them.