suffered losses so heavy that he could no longer mount an effective defense
Battle of Gettysburg is part of the many battles between the Confederates (Army of Northern Virginia) and the Union (Army of Potomac) during the American Civil War, which occurred between July 1 - 3 in 1863. In this battle, General Robert E. Lee suffered losses so heavy ( with total casualties estimated to be in the region of 23,000 - 28,000) that he could no longer mount an effective defense. He later asked to be replaced by the Confederates president Jefferson Davis.
he major staging area from which the
Germans deployed to p ost-war Germany
was the St ettin-Sch eune railway station,
where gangs were free to raid, r ape
and loot the exp ellees. Germans were
either transported by ship from Ste ttin
to Lübeck or s ent by rail in cattle cars to
the British occupation z one.
Both groups are called Slavs. In the years before World War I, Serbia wanted all Slavic peoples to form one empire, free from rule by the Turks or Austria-Hungary. The Serbs' wish to unite all the Slavs in one empire is an example of. imperialism.
Answer: A. a set of characteristics that groups of people share, such as language, religion, government, and art
Political science uses a scientific approach. Political scientists approach their studies in an objective, rational, and systematic manner.