When voting rights frist started only wealthy land owners were allowed to vote which was an idea that was taken from the Greek Democracy and all members of the Greeek Assembly were elected their positions by citizens that they represented and were paid for their work in the public office just like the way the U.S. elects their officials. The U.S. also took the 3 branches of government from the Greek Democracy and the citizens right to exercise political power. The Constitution was an idea taken from the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic had a list of rules called the Twelve Tables (list of rules/Roman legal system) and both the Roman & U.S. Senate's deal with foreign policies.
Right choice:
B. The Torah is comprised of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible; the Talmud is comprised of teachings about the Torah.
Many of them adopted the religion of the Great Awakening, Protestantism.
This religion gave hope to many of the slaves that there was something better after their horrible life enduring pain and suffering at the hands of their slave masters.