By not holding fair elections! Elections in Russia have not been free and fair under Putin's rule. Opponents are arrested and repressed, media is intimidated and suppressed, and electoral fraud is rampant.
D. The other facts are true, but wanting to stop Hitler was not a reason, so much as extra motivation.
We use altitude and azimuth to describe the location of an object in the sky as viewed from a particular location at a particular time.
The purpose of the bigger map is to see the international borders and prefecture borders and what the land looks like. The small map shows how to get around. Hope this helps! ;)
There are many reasons for this, such as it is cheaper to buy a used car that has already depreciated in value rather than buying a car brand new. Once you by a brand new car and drive it off the lot, the value of it decreases exponentially so in turn you lose more money than if you were to buy a used car. Think of it like this, a person in 2010 buys a brand new car for $30,000, fast forward it is now 2018 and someone else is buying that same car that is now used for maybe $10,000. The person who originally bought the car lost out on $20,000 because as time goes on, the brand new car's value has depreciated over the years to be very cheap. I hope this helps :)