3:5 Is the ratio because there are five pieces of cheese.
Step-by-step explanation:
If there are 12 pieces, then you can add 4 and 3 together and get 7 and then you can take 7 from 12 and get 5 which is how many cheese pieces there are. Now you know that there are 3 slices of pepperoni and 5 pieces of cheese. Therefore the ratio is 3:5.
none of those answers are right, because the base of the triangle at 7/24 ft (or 0.29 ft) is smaller than the height 1/3 ft (or 0.33 ft)
Step-by-step explanation:
7/24 - 1/3 =
7/24 - 8/24 = -1/24
Step-by-step explanation:
That '5' in f(5x) will compress the graph of x^2 horizontally.
If you were to graph f(x) = x^2, you'd get a parabolic graph; the parabola will open UP.
Suppose you graphed f(x) = x^2 on the interval [-4, 4].
Then the graph of g(x) = f(5x) would be graphed on the interval [-4/5, 4/5]. In other words, the graph would be on a shorter interval, one shorter by a factor of 5.