Bullied at school for her dyslexia and troubled by her mother's unexplained disappearance, Kara seeks sanctuary sailing the ocean's waves in her father's boat. Meanwhile, Felix resents his well-meaning parents for dragging him to live by the coast and misses his old friends back in London. On their first encounter, Kara and Felix take an immediate dislike to each other. But when they happen to discover a dolphin calf stranded on the beach they know they must work together to save it against all odds. Realising they have more in common than they could ever have guessed, the two friends set out to find the truth behind the disappearance of Kara's marine biologist mother and to protect the delicate reef in the bay of their home town from the destruction of commercial dredging. Their actions set in motion a dramatic chain of events that no one could have foreseen. And soon they must make an impossible choice. Risk their own lives or face losing everything ...
Because it looks about right
i think paul revere friend can see from the bell tower
Okay fyi.. i didnt use google translate.. soo..
Gratitude is an essential feeling for our tranquility and happiness. That's because when we are grateful for something it means that a good and prosperous element has been added to our lives, making us happier.
My biggest memory with this feeling happened a few years ago, when my family was going through a lot of financial problems and the situation at my house was not good. We were all very stressed, but happy to be able to count on each other. At that time I had been looking for a job across the city and I couldn't get a call for any of them. I was very sad and my mental health was very shaken because I did not see the solution to my problem.
However, after a long wait, I managed to find a job. This was such a good time in my life that I felt the fullest gratitude I had ever felt before. The job, even if it paid me little, would allow me to help my family and still help me to calm my mind.
That way I was able to understand exactly what gratitude was and realized that we don't need great things to happen in order to be grateful, but we can be grateful for small things that positively impact our lives very strongly.