Change their voice and facial expressions 5.) Pause 6.) Use handouts. How do you know what to write down when taking notes from a lecture? 1.) Key words 2.
The answer to the question is C.
Margaret’s message to John II in her letter of 28 October 1470 was how was she going in the country, that she had sold some 'dysshes, plateres, and sawceres' and that she send the money to him. She advised him to take into account how he spent the money. She encouraged him to be brave. She said that she thanked God for how God guided his way, but that he must take care. And she finished her letter with the following phrase:
'God make here a good wooman' (hoping that God helped her and made of her a good person)
Answer: Parallel
The lines are parallel to the characters actions.
Live your life with nature
Relaxing for everybody
One with nature
Flamingos for life
Try to agree with nature