1) Vaccum your house weekly.
2) Don't drop food crumbs on the floor. If you do, then sweep it immediately.
3) Clean your backyard well too, remove the weeds etc.
4) Wash the floors with water & soap weekly too.
Answer: a: simile b: alliteration c: simile d: personification e: hyperbole f: simile g: simile h: simile i: alliteration j: metaphor
Explanation: Similes are comparing unlike things with like or as. This means that a, c, g and h are similes. However on d it also uses the word as but it's personification. That's because personification is giving nonliving things human like characteristics. A chair cannot wait, but a human can therefore it's personification. Alliteration is the repetiotion of the beginning sound on a set of words. So because most of the words in b and i start with the same sound, it's alliteration. E is a hyperbole because a hyperbole is an exaggeration. The speaker of the statement doesn't actually have a million things to do, they're exaggerating which makes it a hyperbole. Lastly j is a metaphor because it compares 2 unlike things without using like or as, instead using was. Hope this helps :)
Answer: he uses normal sentences and he has a good point of view
Code switching is when the language is arranged structurally and grammatically in other languages.
i am unsure what you mean by following the heard though.