How does President Roosevelt respond to Pearl Harbor being bombed?
Franklin D. Roosevelt response was calm, in opposite difference of Churchill's speech.
According to Eleanor Roosevelt -his wife- President Roosevelt was worried about Germany declaring war against the U.S. During the day of the bombing, the President consulted his military generals and spoke to Winston Churchill.
After that, he dictated to his secretary, the speech he was going to deliver in Congress to address the nation the next day. Before going to bed, he had a meeting with his Cabinet members who informed him about the critical situation in Hawaii.
These elements show a measured President Roosevelt, a man that despite the horrible situation, knew how to behave and show composure under heavy pressure. Not everybody understood his reaction. Many expected Churchill's kind of reaction with the emotion he imprinted in his "Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat" speech.
This kind of calm response contrast -more than contradicts- Churchill speech, in the emotion, and passion the Prime Minister showed in front of the Parliament, meanwhile, Roosevelt addressed Congress in a somber way.