Some scholars argue that the horse chariot was most likely a product of the ancient Near East early in the 2nd millennium BC. Archaeologist Joost Crouwel writes that "Chariots were not sudden inventions, but developed out of earlier vehicles that were mounted on disk or cross-bar wheels. INvented
Ancient Romans made concrete by mixing volcanic ash with lime and seawater to make a mortar, and then incorporating into that mortar chunks of volcanic rock. The concrete was used inland as well, as in structures like the Pantheon in Rome. Not the common concrete it was called Roman concrete
The Romans perfected mosaics as an art form. Not invented
Henry Venn and Rufus Anderson simultaneously developed a strategy of Indigenisation in response to the extreme paternalism exercised by western missionaries of the early 19th century, particularly in Asia.
La monarquía absoluta (o el absolutismo como doctrina) es una forma de monarquía en la que el monarca tiene la autoridad autocrática suprema, principalmente sin estar restringido por leyes escritas, legislatura o costumbres. Suelen ser monarquías hereditarias.
Espero que esto ayude a marcar el MÁS CEREBRAL !!!
Buddhism today has had a global impact with followers living and traveling around the world from the United States to Europe and Africa. However, Buddhism began and is most strongly rooted in Asia. Buddhism has had an enormous impact religiously and politically on South Asia and South East Asia in places such as India, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, and China.