5 ways to over come drug addiction.
all 5 are best done together and remember over coming drug abuse is a hard process, You will need lots of SUPPORT,from the people that love you. TALK, about how you are feeling and why you are feeling that way, and know its okay to not feel okay, if you are feeling the urge to use TALK about it and let someone help you. STAY STRONG, it takes a very strong person to stop using because its so hard on your mind and body, but you have to remember to stay strong. SELF LOVE is also a big part of it, you have to give yourself that love and show yourself that you care about yourself, if you relay on someone else to give you that love then you might get hurt thats why its better if you show yourself love before you give it to other people.
The purpose is to inform us about the advances our world is having in space, it also gives us commentary about what is happening in the very moment the first man walks on the moon. All the texts are very effective in informing us about what is going on at he time. The first one has good ethos because you can see it from The Times which is a highly trusted source. Second on has good pathos, it tells us how they had to breath through oxygen tanks for many hours and kind of makes you feel bad for them.
100% edge 2020
Answer: A
I tokk this test yesterday,
The noun that the adjective modifies or describes is boy.
Explanation: The sentence is saying that the boy is ambitious, and that he is chasing the butterfly.