The telegram was an internal diplomatic message sent in January 1917 from the German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann in Berlin, to the German Embassy in Mexico. It proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico, in the event of the United States entering the First World War in support of the Allies.
Dred Scott, a slave, had been taken to Illinois, a free state, and then Wisconsin territory, where the Missouri Compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery.
In the 1800's due to the Wars Of Independence, France was a friend of the USA. It thus felt threatened if its friend, the French, were heavily beaten.
An empire at peace, with many colonies, has resources to support a wealthy, educated population
Imperial stability, that is a power that successfully manages colonies, leads to more wealth for a nation. More wealth brings peace and stability, at the time of peace, scholars shall be at peace to gain more knowledge and hence the rise of scholarship.
A good example is the 'golden age' of the sighted Gupta empire, Chandragupta expanded his territory as an imperialist which saw his empire stabilize, with peace and wealth, this in turn led to the emergence of a number of scholars such as Kalidasa, the greatest poet of sanskrit during her time.