April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865
Japanese women mostly escaped the more oppressive features of Confucianism - prohibition of remarriage for widows, seclusion within the home, and foot binding. They could own property, divorce, and remarry. Korean women were tied down to Confucian values - became stricter.
Aryans - Hitler believed that Aryans were the supreme race, and had the most "pure blood" to walk on Earth. They had very pale skin with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Hittites - Believed to only be tall and good-looking people. Usually depicted with pale skin, red hair, and blue eyes.
Follow These Steps:
Fill measuring cup until it overflows. Spoon flour or other light, powdery dry ingredient into your measuring cup until it domes up over the top.
Level it off with the back of a knife.