A alternativa correta é a letra e. <u>Integridade referencial.</u>
A definição da integridade referencial está relacionado as chaves estrangeiras, isto é, a chave estrangeira corresponde ao valor em uma tabela destino, que deve ser a chave primária de registros na tabela origem.
Ou seja, se relaciona a informação de dados íntegros e referenciados.
Quando há a sincronização dos dados da tabela destino e da tabela origem, haverá a manutenção da relação entre as linhas e as colunas da tabela.
Most sports identities are in truth business that relies upon constructive popular supposition for its proceeding with progress: the better loved and better known a games identity is, the more profitable he or she will be to his/her game and backers. This is particularly valid for those at the highest point of their individual orders, where a large portion of their pay would originate from sponsorships as opposed to compensation or prize cash.
The water is blocking you from breathing in but you can breathe out and once that happens your vocal cords or the trachea below the vocal folds and detects water and takes 60 seconds to block your airways. I’m not sure if that’s right but i hope that helps.:)
Answer:Ackee and saltfish