They (as in the poor and lower class) began to question the rights of the Caliphs to be ruling/guiding them. There was negligence in the government and no one was running it properly allowing for the Turks to gain the upper hand causing riots not to mention Muslims and non Muslims were clashing ideas. The empire got to big and out of hand for anyone to control.
Preston Brooks was a Southern Congressman and a passionate advocate of Southern Rights. Charles Sumner was an ardent abolitionist who delivered an impassioned speech against the authors of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1856. He also ridiculed the speech impediment of one of the authors, Andrew Butler. Preston Brooks got angry because he was the nephew of Andrew Butler. Together with a friend, Brooks approached Sumner as the latter worked at his desk and started caning Sumner. Sumner collapsed in the aisle and Preston Brooks continued caning him until his cane broke. Southerners sent canes to Preston Brooks to replace the one he broke.
The Mongol nobles would accept the political leadership of a womanizer because in their culture, men with no wives would not be respected and shamed. Men with many wives were revered as wealthy, powerful, and masculine. Mongol nobles we’re allowed to take as many wives as they would like.
1) Czar you would not be happy about the revolvolution as it was supposed to remove his power. As workers you would be happy, and hope for some better rights and living conditions. The soldiers were probably tired of war, and maybe wanted to come back home.
2) A treaty should try and bring peace and stability. A classic example is the treaty of versailles where it is a cause of WW2, it broke the german economy and country with the restriction. Maybe if the treaty were better for Germany we may not have had WW2.
3) If you were germany you would be angry that all the blame is put on you. You will find it unfair you have to pay a big amount of money to the other countries. The treaty feels like a big hard push for Germany, and is a reason WW2 started, and how Hitler managed to grab the power in Germany.
The correct answer is An era of nationalism and economic growth
After the war of 1812 Americans felt proud of their country and a strong sense of belonging. Also during the war, the British government cut America’s access to manufactured goods and this forced America to somehow gain strength and produce those products internally what made the country gain economic independence.