Explained below:
Perforating fibers: Accepted term based
Meissner corpuscle: Eponym ( discovered by Georg Meissner and Rudolf Wagner)
Islets of Langerhans: Eponym ( discovered by German pathological anatomist Paul Langerhans).
Intestinal Crypts: Accepted term based
Nephron loop: Accepted term based
Loop of Henle: Eponym ( discovered by German anatomist Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle).
Tactile Cells: Accepted term
Crypts of Lieberkühn: Eponym ( discovered by German anatomist Johann Nathanael Lieberkühn.
Brunner's Gland: Eponym ( discovered by Swiss physician, Johann Conrad Brunner).
Sharpey's fibers: Eponym ( discovered by Scottish anatomist William Sharpey).
Bundle of His: Eponym ( discovered by cardiologist and anatomist Wilhelm His Jr).
Hepatopancreatic sphincter: Accepted term based
<span>1 archaic : happy, pleased
2 archaic : inclined, desirous
3 a : willing
he was very fain, for the young widow was “altogether fair and lovely … ” — Amy Kelly
b : being obliged or constrained : compelled
Great Britain was fain to devote its whole energy … to the business of slaying and being slain — G. M. Trevelyan</span>
1. Brian, you need to work hard if you want to keep this job.
2. The old man, spent his days looking out the window, and his nights, sleeping.
3. "If you aren't willing to help", my sister said, "then please wait in the other room."