2) treason
(sorry I can't find the rest)
B. Land rights could either be inherited or earned through war.
Vasco de Game was the FIRST to reach india by sea, so he was indeed an explorer.
Henry the Navigator (no offense to him) was a joke. His title if fooling everyone, as he himself never even sailed once, he always sent others to do it for him (as he was a prince) This is your answer.
Bartholomeu Dias sailed around the southernmost tip of africa in 1488, so he was an explorer too.
Your answer is Henry
Some similarities included:
-polytheism, the believe in many gods,
- The God of Sun had a special place in both religions
- The God of Water/Rain also had a special place in both religions.
La Revolución Francesa también influyó en la política estadounidense, ya que las facciones pro y antirrevolucionarias buscaron influir en la política nacional y exterior estadounidense. ... Sin embargo, con el cambio revolucionario también vino la inestabilidad política, la violencia y los llamados a un cambio social radical en Francia que asustó a muchos estadounidenses.