James was born Jamesetta Hawkins on January 25, 1938, in Los Angeles, California, to a 14-year-old mother, Dorothy Hawkins, who encouraged her daughter's singing career. James would later say, "My mother always told me, even if a song has been done a thousand times, you can still bring something of your own to it.
There's not really any specific way.
Billie Eilish is a very distinctive singer and there is no real exact way to sound like any particular singer. If you really want to sound like someone the best thing to do is just listen to a particular sentence (or lyric) and repeat it over and over again and each time if your heading in the right track you could sound a bit like her. But there is no exact way to do this.
B. Using a certain object as a main focus and outing things around it can make out brain understand that that is that main point of the building and that that is the center