I don't know if it's correct, just my opinion
do. You need a present tense ( a simple verb at that)
Did is past
done is also past as in Done meaning completed after it was started a while ago.
to do is an infinitive. You need a simple present tense verb. To go where no man has gone before.
To do what no one has attempted before.
Social Networking website is a revolutionary idea with a very bright future with further scope for advancements. The opportunities provided from this medium are immense and many organisations are making use of this medium to better their practices. Organisations are no longer at the mercy of the media to advertise or convey their message. With the help of social networking they can advertise or communicate in a more efficient way.
<h3>Friendship is necessary to help one to survive :the friendship between Miyax and the wolves is crucial is the story. Without them she would be lost and starve to death. </h3>