Adam Smith's invisible hand theory is the concept that in a market where people are free to buy and sell as they please, buyers will buy goods that sellers offer at prices that work for all parties.
-UNICEF Việt Nam – Quỹ Nhi đồng Liên Hiệp Quốc
– UNFPA – Quỹ Dân số Liên Hợp Quốc
– UNIDO – Tổ chức Phát triển Công nghiệp Liên Hiệp Quốc
– Aide et Action International
– IntraHealth International
– The Asia Foundation
Tổ chức phi chính phủ phủ là tổ chức quốc tế trong đó các thành viên tham gia không phải là chính phủ, tổ chức phi chính phủ được thành lập một cách tự nguyện, hợp pháp không vì lợi nhuận, thúc đẩy sự phát triển trong công nghệ, khoa học kỹ thuật…
<h2>In the context of Consumer Theory or Indifference Curve involving two goods,the opportunity of any one good is computed by how much of the other good is foregone or sacrificed to purchase one more unit of that particular good.</h2>
- In this instance,when Bill's diner consumes 35 burgers and 25 hotdogs,its opportunity cost of additional hot dog=
.Therefore,initially Bill diner's opportunity cost of an additional hot dog is 1.4 units of burger.
- Now,when Bill's diner chooses to consume a combination of 25 burgers and 65 hot dogs,its opportunity cost of additional hot dogs=
approximately.Hence,Bill's diner is willing to sacrifice approximately 0.385 units of burger to consume an additional unit of hot dog. - Now,due to the change in consumption combination,the change in opportunity cost of additional hot dog=
units of burger.Notice,that here the opportunity cost of additional hot dog decreased from 1.4 units of burger to 0.385 units of burger as Bill's diner changed the consumption combination of both burgers and hot dogs.
a) should install the solar cells
alternative 1, solar cells
initial investment $18,000
annual expenses $2,400 (5 years)
NPV = $27,097.89
AW = (10% x $27,097.89) / [1 - (1 + 10%)⁻⁵] = $7,148.36
alternative 2, power line
initial investment $27,500
annual expenses $1,000 (5 years)
NPV = $31,290.79
AW = (10% x $31,290.79) / [1 - (1 + 10%)⁻⁵] = $8,254.43
b) $23,307.10