Answer: Life would cease to exist.
The carbon elements is one of the most important elements in the compound that make up living organisms. It is found: in the remains of living organisms; as fossil fuels such as coal, coke and natural gas; as inorganic salts such as carbonates; in water bodies and as gas carbondioxide which makes up 0.03% of air.
Carbon is continuously being circulated in the atmosphere through a process called the CARBON CYCLE. This involves the removal and addition of carbon to the carbondioxide in the atmosphere.
Life would indeed cease to exist if this carbon cycle stops due to the importance of carbon to functioning of living organisms. Important processes which bring about the recycling of carbon between living ( biotic) and non living (abiotic) components of an ecosystem are:
--> photosynthesis: the process used by green plants to remove carbon through carbondioxide from the atmosphere for manufacturing of their food.
--> respiration: animals respire to break down sugar leading to liberation of carbondioxide and water as wastes
--> and decay: decomposers feeds on remains and waste to bring about decay, thus complex carbon compounds are broken down to set free carbondioxide which returns to the atmosphere.
All the above processes are carried out by living organisms to maintain a functioning ecosystem by enabling a linear flow of energy through it.
Uranium Is Made In Fuel Rods In The Reactor Vessel
I believe the answer is B. Homoiothermal
I don't think there is a #6, so I'm gonna answer the "Mammals and plants don't belong in the same domain".. If this is the wrong one I can help with the one you actually need help with.
Myth: Mammals and plants don't belong in the same domain.
Fact: Mammals, being a group of animals do not belong in the same domain as plants. Evidence: All living organisms are divided into three domains: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. All of the organisms that possess a eukaryotic cell, plants, animals, protists, and fungi are in the Eukarya domain. Therefore, mammals and plants belong to the same domain, the Eukarya domain.
The llama and the alpaca were used as beasts of burden in the Andes.
-A beast of burden is drought animal that carries or pulls heavy loads, such as a donkey, mule, llama, camel etc.
-The Andean animal used as a beast of burden is an Alpaca and the Llamas. They are docile, fluffy animals that can withstand the cold of the mountains. As such, they make excellent work animals.
-Male llamas have been been used as beasts of burden in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes ranges for more than 4000 years.