Because countries who practiced Christianity were traveling the world colonizing different areas and passing on their religion. Remember the 3 G's: God, Gold, and Glory.
dose this have multi answer choices??
Answer: Leaders agreed that a stronger national government was needed.
The American economy immediately after the American Revolution had a lot of subsistence farmers with little access to hard currency and as a result could not pay off debts they owed. Veterans from the war were in debt as well as they were finding it difficult to get money they were owed by the government.
This led to widespread discontent that boiled over to the Shay's rebellion. As the dissidents marched on a Federal armoury, the Federal government could do nothing as they had very limited powers and could not fund their soldiers as a result.
When the rebellion was eventually put down by state militia, people saw the need for a stronger national government that could react to such problems and more should the need arise.
This is a very poor question - your teacher, clearly, understands very little about the collapse of the USSR and Gorbachev and his reforms.
<span>These 'provisions' are not what Perestroika was about - your teacher, and possibly your text book, has confused two completely separate and distinct Soviet reforms - Perestroika and Demokratizatsiya (democratisation). All of the 'Provisions of Perestroika' that you have listed are, in fact, parts of the Demokratizatsiya reforms. </span>
<span>Perestroika was the restructuring of party and state organisations, but particularly enterprises, factories, mines, collective farms and other 'means of production'. It sought to re-structure the command economy making it more efficient and better able to compete globally and to meet the needs of Soviet consumers and other end users. </span>
<span>What Perestroika demonstrated was the gross inefficiencies of the Soviet Command Economy, and that the economic base of the country needed frastic and radical reforms - not that the Communist system itself was failing. </span>