It continues to multiply untill the max. later it eats itself to make more space for it to multiply
1. Coal.
2. how much carbon dioxide is emitted by each source.
3. how to maximize the use of clean sources of energy.
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Wilson has created the theory of the biogeographic nature of the island, which predicts that the number of species on the island depends on the balance between colonization, the evolution of the novel island species, and extinction.
A new DNA sequence containing 596 species of terrestrial birds from 41 island chains (archipelagos) around the world has been assembled by the researchers. The data combined sample data from their own field visits, research, and field samples from GeneBank colleagues. This information was utilized to build and employ a dynamic model that predicted international relationships that regulate biodiversity variation in their novel analysis approaches. In that, they confirmed two main components of MacArthur and Wilson's initial biogeography theory on the island.
The understanding of biodiversity on the island is important to conservation but also has implications beyond that – when imposing barriers to species dispersal it could enable us to assess better the effects of human activities, and it can contribute to a wider understanding of biodiversity around the globe.
Metabolic rate and production of by products of the ice fish increases with temperature