We recommend you to make a spreadsheet with all the incomes, outcomes and insert every expense you have. Cut out the leisure item by 50%; find online discounts for your shopping list and purchase only what it's necessary. Reduce the social outings, use public transportation or carpool to the office and collect money for gas. Also, cut off credit card costs and leave it only for emergencies. Clothes and shoes purchases can be done during sale season, rather than at the beginning.
Colonized and settlment?..okie lets see what i can do..
Colonized, would be that, that area was developed and people built homes or buildings/ a town to make it livable. OR that a group of settlers were sent there, on behalf of a government, to instill political control over it. Settlement, a place where prior to that, no one lived there, but it--presently--is being settled.
Fewer jobs become available as goods and services become more expensive
Fewer jobs
more expensive
All citizens could vote on matters of concern to the state
The students and teachers, were effected by Socrates' (a famous greek philosopher) views on the teaching system and how he changed it. Socrates made it possible to have our modern teaching system where we interact with teachers. For example, raising your hand in class, asking questions, questioning the reason behind the answers given to you, etc.. All of which would not be considered the social norms back then, before socrates