Answer: You need to show the number line in order to get an answer.
They both weigh the same amount.
Step-by-step explanation:
A pound of feathers would land and wouldn't hurt, but a pound of bricks would hurt.
Since they both are exactly one pound, if that is the only question and it's a one-part question then there's your answer.
2. -2
2b. 28
2c. I'm confused
3. >
b. <
c. >
d. =
from e to j, I have no idea
Step-by-step explanation:
I hope this helps :)
All you have to do is multiply them!make sure to turn them into improper drafting before tho!
A cell with 2cm sides has a surface area of 6 × a2 or <span> a</span>2<span> + a</span>2<span> + a</span>2<span> + a</span>2<span> + a</span>2<span> + a</span><span>2