Un depredador y sus presas coevolucionan, el depredador se vuelve más eficiente en perseguir y matar a sus presas y las presas dearrollan nuevas defensas y formas de escape. La coevolución impone presiones selectivas. Éstas a su vez llevan a una carrera armamental de adaptaciones mutuas progresivas
The scientists who provided this hypothesis had an idea that the species evolved in order to accommodate their needs on certain islands. For instance, an example is beak size of certain birds which Darwin thought that this was to eat certain foods.
Rushing, fatigue, distractions and complacency are HUMAN FACTORS medical errors.
Human factors medical errors are errors that occur as a result of human incompetency. Medical error results in avoidable patients' deaths. In America for instance, it was reported that approximately 98,000 people die from medical errors each year.
The Answer is A
After looking at all the other options, A is the best option. Good luck on your test! :)
Hopefully I helped! :)