The lord of the flies is a stupid story, try using cliff notes. I cant answer but I can help. Piggy dosent make it and the island isnt real its a metaphor.
Answer: Personification
Personification is a form of figurative language that refers to the attribution of human features to non-living objects in order to spark the reader´s imagination and interest in the text.
The sentence provided attributes human features to the flag, the wind, and the paper. To describe the setting and situation, the author grants the flag the ability to wave. The wind becomes capable of purposeful whistling, and the paper is presented as flying by its personal choice.
Answer: hard to compare to anything else
This question refers to the article "The yuckiest food in the Amazon." In this article, author Mary Roach describes her experiences sharing food with a tribe in the Amazon. The host of such an experience is Isaac. The author describes Isaac's living room as a low log bench in the open-walled platform. The floor is dirty but uncluttered. The decoration consists of parrot feathers, jaguar skulls and a government poster urging vaccinations for children. The main reason why Roach includes these details is because she wants to create an image in the mind of the reader in order to better understand what the experience was like for her.