King George asked for troops to be sent to the New England colonies to maintain order after the colonists response to the Townshend Act, which taxed colonists on items and took away some of their freedoms. The Townshend Act taxed items such as tea and paper and let the British officials the authority to search the colonists' houses whenever they pleased. Obviously, the colonists did not like this and started to rebel and cause a scene, and when King George found out about this he sent troops to Boston in hopes of keeping the order and putting the colonists in line.
The Mayflower Compact is considered an important step in the development of American democracy because it 2. provided a basis for self-government in the Plymouth Colony. The Compact was decided upon prior to the colonists' landing at Plymouth, but it was an attempt to ensure the timely and organized handling of affairs because all understood it would require cooperation to exist in this new land.
bc slavery wasn't legal in the more north headed states and the practice wasn't used on many over there