The main issue relating to Reconstruction that divided Republicans at the end of the Civil War was how the Confederates should be dealt with/punished. If I had been a member of Congress at the time, I would have leaned toward President Johnson’s methods for Reconstruction. Radical Republicans brought us very far, and they had very good intentions, however I did not agree on their approaches of punishment for the South. They desired to enslave them yet, they were advocating for rights for slaves above and beyond what was necessary. (How hypocritical.)
While I see eye to eye with the POTUS of that time, I whole heartedly oppose President Johnson's appeal to require Confederates to outlaw secession. I cannot allege that his assentation was illegal, nevertheless I can say that the constitution kept silent on this matter. I believe it would be very crooked of someone to deny a state the ability to secede from a nation. Slowly but surely our rights are being stripped from us and there my come a time were seceding is necessary. But how can we do that if it’s outlawed?
Since there are 12 Zodiacs in the Chinese Calendar, every 12 years, the same zodiac will come. So, if Year of The Dog was in 2028, add 12 years, and you'll get your answer.