i think it should be thick and it should be aluminum because aluminum is a good conductor... and i don't think it matters if its above ground or underground.. because if u look outside now most of the wires are above ground but they are starting to make them underground now.. so if u have to pick one just say above ground
The appropriate response is compound subject. A compound subject is a subject comprised of at least two straightforward subjects that are joined by a planning conjunction and that have a similar predicate. sentence may have more than one straightforward subject or basic predicate. A compound subject is at least two basic subjects that have a similar predicate.
<span>That is a difficult one because Christian believes and Beowulf is a matter of interpretation. What one may view as sensibility is actually just a matter of common sense. However, every aspect of life is covered in the Bible and thus to suggest (if this is what you are suggesting) Beowulf is explained taking Christian values into consideration? No. Things were different at that time and thus the perceived sensibility to Christian belief</span>