A New Kind of Light in the Universe? “Super-Planckian” Material Emits Light That Exceeds Limits of Natural Law
C Weathering breaks different rocks down into sediment.
D Erosion carries the sediment dawn hill.
A Sediments are deposited in specific places.
E The sediments impact due to pressures.
B The sediments are cemented together forming a sedimentary rock.
- The rock cycle takes place from the igneous rocks that are primary rocks that are eroded and leading to the formation of sediments and watch later on get deposited downhill.
- Their compaction along with the pressure over the period of time leads to the formation and consolidation of sedimentary rocks. This there a product of weathering, transportation, deposition, and cementation.
I agree that atmospheric temperature drops at higher altitude because it causes heat at a higher temperature. The ozone layer shields the world from other temperature and anything else that could affect the global atmosphere.
The volcanic intrusion rule is relative dating