After hearing about the will, the plebeians were very mad and they wreak havoc to the whole city. They avenged the death of Caesar's death, a very honorable, generous and selfless man who at his last breath managed to think about and only of his people.
Maybe Mrs. Higgins is embarrassed in front of Sam Carr, and she has known Alfred longer.....
when the imposer is sus :O
Errors that have been corrected are bolded:
<em>"Cosmo Fairywinkle-Cosma stopped the </em><em>actress' </em><em>dog from running into the road."</em>
When using possessive apostrophes, if the word ends in an 's', all that is needed is an apostrophe at the end of the word. It is improper to have an extra 's' after the apostrophe.
<u>Incorrect:</u> The dogs's food was freshly served.
<u>Correct:</u> The dogs' food was freshly served.
Hope this helps a bit. Best of luck to you, mate. :)