The most valuable resource that we as living beings have is "Time". Everyone has a very finite amount of time to live our lives. This makes every second incredibly valuable. Being able to travel larger and larger distances faster than ever before gives us the gift of time (in a way) by allowing us to spend less time travelling and/or waiting to get to our destinations. This makes travelling at faster speeds invaluable and the process of achieving this a great use of our time.
Sara decided to encroach upon Luke's property. Their relationship already was a dump. They had a constrict line between love . The agreement was that Luke would no longer contact Sara, and in return, Sara would no longer come to Luke's house. However, Luke did not comply and texted her anyway. In retaliation, Sara toilet papered the trees by his house. Luke called the police, and this caused Sara to have a tentative court date. Sara was unable to make it to court, so she wrote an essay for the magistrate.
Cell phones have caused a major impact on distracted driving
The teens
They are the main characters
1: I bought a badminton set for my sis
2:I choose it because my sis is a player and she would love it
3: I bought it from Milinium(toy shop), Karachi.