Increased stress and anxiety among individuals, which decreases productivity and satisfaction.
Feelings of being defeated and demeaned, which lowers individuals' morale and may increase turnover. Try to stay calm.
Try to put emotions aside.
Don't interrupt the other person while they are speaking.
Actively listen to what they are saying and what they mean.
Check that you understand them by asking questions.
Communicate your side of the story clearly and honestly.
step by step Explanation:
MY FAMILY IS GREAT VERy great i think so
"Whatever suggestion either of them made, the other could be counted on to oppose it."
- "Whatever suggestion either of them made, the other could be counted on to oppose it." was said in Chapter 3 of Animal Farm that described Snowball and Napoleon's relationship. Snowball created committees for the animals to accomplish literacy, and Napoleon was unconcerned with the committees and took Bluebell's pups to raise them a proper adult education.
- When winter arrives, the animals begin holding meetings in the barn where Napoleon and Snowball still do not meet on terms with making decisions. Many animals admired Snowball for his great speaking and education, but Napoleon electioneered better. Snowball plans for a windmill project to help the animals lead a more comfortable life, but Napoleon finds it useless to scheme something for the far future. This divides Snowball and Napoleon and also the animals. Napoleon later urinates on the plans Snowball sketched out.
- When the voting for the windmill project is about to begin, Napoleon whimpers a sound that gathers Bluebell's pups to come in, who are by then grown and enormous dogs. They viciously attack Snowball and chase him out the barn. Napoleon announces that from then on, there are no more meetings unless they are ceremonial.
- With Snowball gone, Napoleon took power as official leader and Squealer becomes his assistant. He spoke bad of Snowball and claimed that the windmill project was his plan and that Snowball stole his tactics. Those animals who disagreed did not speak in fear of being attacked by Napoleon's nine dogs.