Answer: Besides changing you topic why don't you explain why you would like to choose art or music. Are you experienced in it? Do you enjoy doing it? Why do you enjoy it? Asking question like these will let you think of good things to write in your research presentation. You could also research on some other people that have made it a successful career and how they started there career and relate to how you would like to start yours that way.
I believe you have to write up your own. I hope this comes in handy^-^
Hey there!
Trochaic tetrameter (try saying that five times fast) is a line of a poem that usually contains about eight syllables that goes in the pattern stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, etc.
But, look at the syllable count for each of the answer options!
A: 10 syllables
B: 8 syllables
C. 10 syllables
D. 10 syllables
So, we immediately see that the correct answer is B, and this fits our stressed, unstressed pattern because you say it like PEter PEter PUMPkin EATer. If you try doing this with the other answer options it sounds really stupid, I tried it and it sounds pretty weird XD
Therefore, the answer is B. Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.
Have a wonderful day!
where were they teaching you?
please mark me as a brain list