A 17 year old with a resting heart rate of 62 bpm has a maximum hearth rate of 203 bpm, a hearth rate reserve of 141 bpm and target hearth rate between 161 and 182 bpm
Target heart rate is a measure used to calculate the range of heart rate that should be maintained during intense exercise.
Knowing a person's age and resting heart rate (RHR), a target heart rate calculation can be made from the maximum heart rate (MHR) and the hearth rate reserve (HRR)
- Age: 17 years old
- RHR: 68 bpm
The maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting age from a constant value of 220, so:
- MHR = 220 - age
- MHR = 220 - 17
- MHR = 203 bpm
HRR is calculated by subtracting the resting heart rate (RHR) from the MHR value:
- HRR = 203 - 62
- HRR = 141 bpm
THR is obtained by multiplying the HRR by 0.7 and 0.85, to obtain the range of heart rate in which the exercise can be performed.
- THR lower limit = (HRR x 0.7) + RHR Lower THR = (141 x 0.7) + 62 = 160.7 ≈ 161 bpm
- THR top limit = (HRR x 0.85) + RHR THR top = (141 x 0.85) + 62 = 181,85 ≈ 182 bpm
For the 17-year-old, the ideal target heart rate for an intense exercise is between the values of 161 and 182 bpm.
Elaborative rehearsal.
Memory may be defined as the ability of the brain to memorize the incident or any other information. Two types of memory are short term memory and long term memory.
The long term memory can be converted to the short term memory by multiple rehearsal and memorizing the things again and again. Jeremy must be using elaborative rehearsal to memorize the chapter and generate examples to create his own experience.
Thus, the correct answer is option (b).