Answer: so he can not dirty and other room that's why
Explanation:Pourquoi la mère de Benjamin insisté a-t-elle pour qu'il mange de la glace dans la cuisine?"
means :
Why did Benjamin's mother insist he eat ice cream in the kitchen?
<span>Answer in French: What are you doing with the clippers?</span>
Les parents ont monté la tente
Théo a fait un feu de camp
Mathilde a perdu sa lampe de poche.
J'ai ouvert deux boites de conserves.
La boîte d’allumettes est à côté du réchaud.
Most of these sentences are in the passé composé.
So once you get the subject and auxiliary verb-- forms of avoir-- in agreement, the rest of the objects fall into place.
The tricky part here is that a number of terms that are one word in English are phrases in French:
a campfire >> un feu de camp
her flashlight >> sa lampe de poche
two cans >> deux boites de conserves
The matchbox >> La boîte d’allumettes
beside >> à côté de
and vice-versa:
A two-word verb in English is one word in French.
put up >>monté
The answer is d
Explanation: there are two people so it’s gonna be plural and I believe it’s one boy and one girl so it’s gonna be masculine