The order from first to last is Smallpox, Civil War, Execution.
Smallpox - 1526
Civil War - 1529
Execution - 1532
Ibn Fadlan described his encounter with the Vikings in his work.
The travel writer notes the poor hygiene habits of the Vikings in his work. Still, he praises the fact that they comb their hair every day.
When it comes to their physical appearance, Ibn Faldan Vikinge describes this:
"I have never seen more beautiful people. They are like palm trees, light or reddish hair. They don't wear tunics and kaftan. "
He also says:
"Each of them has an ax, a sword or a knife. They never separate themselves from their weapons. Their swords are wide-edged, of Frankish type. "
The Arab travel writer, however, is most impressed by Viking funeral customs, which he describes in detail:
"They told me that they perform many ceremonies when their tribal leaders die, the last of which is cremation, so I wanted to know more about it. They finally brought me news that a prominent man among them had died. They laid him in his grave and covered him with a roof for ten days, until they cut and sewed all his robes. So, if the poor is dead, they make a boat, put a body in it and burn it. If a man is rich, they collect his things and divide them into three parts. One-third remain with family; the third part is made of clothing for him, the third part is made of mead, which is drunk on the day when a slave girl is killed and cremated with her master. They drink mead day and night. It often happens that one of them dies with a glass in his hand. "
European colonization had both positive and negative impacts on Native Americans.
One of the positive elements of European colonization was the introduction of new crops from Europe to Native American tribes. Thanks to the Columbian Exchange, Native Americans had the ability to gain resources such as pig, sheep, cows, and bananas.
One of the negative elements of European colonization was the decimation of the Native American population. When Europeans came to North America, they brought over diseases that Native American tribes had never encountered. This negatively effected them, as they had no immunity to these diseases. This resulted in the deaths of millions of Native Americans throughout the 16th and 17th centuries.
According to Cornwallis he would have: (1) either endeavored to escape to New-York or (2) would
notwithstanding the disparity of numbers have attacked them in the open
field. This was what he said in a letter he reported to Sir Henry Clinton when he failed to defend the York and Gloucester posts.