Answer:How is this written? Look at the following listing of the editorial staff of a Spanish-language magazine. Find the first name that corresponds to each clue and write it in the space provided. 1. It is written with a capital ye. FORIA CORRESPONDENT MONTERO Eduardo GENERAL DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES 2. It is written with a capital letter. EDITORIAL DIRECTOR SALES MANAGER OF PREKORD INTERNACIONAL CONTRIAL COORDINATOR DOCTOR ARTE Y DISO Tel: (05) 371 00214 Switch (525) 261 2670 Redaci: 325) 261 2634 and 361 3635 Pax 361 2730 3. It is written with a capital eme, i, te , zeta, L. AR DISCO YRA MUSICALES NACION DE COITORIAL TEEVISA VICE PRESENT OF PRAYERS and SCRICA 4. It is written with a small X. RETTO DI VERSENTE COOKIE C 5. It is written with an accent u. AN SD
A la etiqueta
Es la etiqueta porque la gasa, el farmaceutico, ni el botiquin estan bien.
La muchacha se puso feliz cuando ganó el premio.
The girl got happy when she won the prize.
Answer: number two is la salchicha, which translates to sausage. Number three is spicy. Number four is noon to 2:00 pm
Yo camine por dos horas ayer