The four types of macromolecules in cells are nucleic acids, lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
D lowering the activation energy of a reaction.
Answer: between the second and
third finger
The correct method of removing
a glass stopper is to grasp it between the second and third finger with the
help of the thumb. If the glass stopper is stuck, you can use the tap method by
using many gentle tap and keep on turning the flask. Another technique is to put
oil or use a flame to expose it to heat.
Nervous stimulus action for muscle contraction
Nerve stimulation is sent to the sarcolemma, which are motor nerves at the neuromuscular junction (junction between the terminal part of a motor axon with a motor plate), after which nerve endings implant in the sarcolemma and form plaque on the surface of muscle fibers, which in turn transmit stimulus to the musculature.
Then, an electrical current (from the stimuli) is generated, it propagates through the muscle cell membrane, reaches the cytoplasm and triggers the muscle contraction mechanism.
Answer is hemolytic anemia.
Hemolysis is the destruction of red-blood cells, while anemia when the amount of the red blood cells in the body is lower than the expected or normal.
Therefore, hemolytic anemia can be defined as a disorder or situation where the rate at which the red blood cells are destroyed is faster compared to the rate at which they are made or produced.
This can be caused by bone marrow failure or infections, and inherited blood disorder like sickle cell disease.
The hemolytic anemia is a serious disorder that can damage the heart and other organ of the body, this is because of oxygen starvation, since the red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen around the body have been affected.
Eating some food items like beans, green vegetables, red meat and legumes can increase red blood cell count.