Solution. Models are being used as a simplified representation of an object, idea, or an event that is too complex, too small, or too big to study. Scientists use models in order to show how a certain phenomenon occurs and to answer the questions regarding it.
It's because there are bigger faults in Caliifornia.Which is San andres which is 800 miles which cuts through California.We all know earth is contesntly changing, and earthquakes are apart of earth chaging.So every times the tictonic plates moves it causes California, and other states close by to aswell, but not as bad.
There are three types of plate boundaries. Each of them have natural disasters that they cause.
1. divergent boundaries- two plates are moving away form each other and magma moves up into the empty space
a. two continental plates make a rift valley; such as the east african rift valley
b. two ocean plates make rifts and ridges; such as the mid-atlantic rift
2. convergent boundaries- a direct collision of one plate with another
a. one oceanic plate and one continental plate form volcanoes; such as mount saint helens
b. two continental plates push up onto each other and make a folded mountain; such as mount everest
c. two oceanic plates form an island arc; such as japan island
3. transform boundaries two plates slide past each other creating a fault
a. not many examples of this, but san andreas fault in california is one
I hope this was helpful!!
<span>The word that should complete the sentence "Compressional stress on rock can cause strong and deep earthquakes, usually at _____" is reverse faults. Reverse faults are precisely the inverse of ordinary shortcomings. On the off chance that the hanging divider rises with respect to the footwall, you have a turn around blame. Reverse faults happen in regions experiencing pressure</span>