This is an 'adverb infinitive'. It is not a participle, either present of past, because it doesn't end in -ing. And it is not an 'adjective infinitive' since its meaning is adverbial, 'you must capture or trap the other king' IN ORDER 'to win a game of chess'. Adjective has to modify a noun, which isn't the case in this sentence.
The coordinating conjunction in the sentence is NOR.
There are only seven coordinating conjunctions. Remember the terms FAN BOYS in relation to coordinating conjunctions.
F - for
A - and
N - nor
B - but
O - or
Y - yet
S - so
Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. Giving equal emphasis on two main clauses.
Here are the patterns for using coordinating conjunctions:
1) connecting two main clauses
main clause + coordinating conjunction + main clause
2) connecting two items
item + coordinating conjunction + item
3) connecting three or more items in a series
item + item + coordinating conjunction + item
I don’t think you need a comma after old