<span>Elie Wiesel and His Father in the Book 'Night'Our users give theirimpressions:Elie and his father were especially close at the death camps. Theywere inseparable, really. They loved each other and would not let that fade andbe separated. They would die for one another if it was necessary. His fatherdied. Elie was a witness to it. He never forgave himself for letting the SS manbeat his father to death since his father was ill and cried for water to feelbetter. Elie's relationship with his father is very close. However, therelationship between Elie and his father, Chlomo, changes throughout the novel.At the beginning of the novel, Elie and his father have a fairly closerelationship, apart from his father's commitments to the community (not havingtime for his kin (family). Even in saying that Elie loved and respected hisfather just as everyone in the community did. But further on in the novel, theydrift further and further apart. At some stage, Elie starts to feel that hisfather is a burden. And at the end Elie has no tears to cry when his father<span>finally dies.</span></span>
Answer: The prefrontal cortex contributes to a wide variety of executive functions, including focusing one's attention, predicting the consequences of one's actions, and anticipating events in the environment.
Hope this helps!
1. It would probably be a better world however there is no guarantee of it
2. I assume not me specifically but all of us in general, though it's only my opinion
1. I say this because despite whether every person in the world has a choice to education or not it is difficult to assume that people would take the opportunity without question.
2. I don't exactly have an explanation for this question as it's only my opinion, sorry.