“All this equality was due to . . . the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.”
“The realization was blasted from his mind instantly by the sound of an automobile collision in his head.”
28 true. Humus: the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material by soil microorganisms.
29 false, Soil organic matter is the fraction of the soil that consists of plant or animal tissue in various stages of breakdown (decomposition). Most of our productive agricultural soils have between 3 and 6% organic matter. Soil organic matter contributes to soil productivity in many different ways.
In “The Gettysburg Address,” President Lincoln makes the claim that the Civil War is a war worth fighting. Every now and then, he dramatically pauses. Every dramatic pause makes his speech is, the more convincing it to the ears of the people. That's why a lot of the people are really amazed at his speeches.