Songs went from being performed by one person to many people.
<em>Songs went from being one part to multiple parts</em> – this is not the right answer. This is not what monophonic and polyphonic music means.
<u><em>Songs went from being performed by one person to many peopl</em></u><u>e – this is the right answer.</u> Monophonic songs are sung in one voice and it is only one melody. Polyphonic means there are more voices at the same time or that more melodies are going simultaneously. This Renaissance development to polyphonic changed music a lot compared to the Middle Ages.<u> Many of Renaissance songs were composed as polyphonic compositions for masses sang in Latin in churches.</u>
<em>Songs went from being classical in nature to more electronic </em>– this is not the right answer. This is not the meaning of monophonic and polyphonic, and also there was no electronic music in Renaissance.
<em>There is no difference between monophonic and polyphonic music</em> – this is not the correct answer. There is a difference between monophonic and polyphonic.
According to this interview, Dolly considers herself a soprano. This is tough for me as an alto – I found when trying to imitate her that I couldn't keep her light, airy tone on her higher notes. She has a very slight gravel to her voice..
Hope it helps you..
Y-your welcome in advance..
<span>Elvin Jones was one of the most prominent
jazz drummers in the second half of the 20th century. He played with
John Coltrane from 1960 to 1966 as a member of the John Coltrane quartet and
earned praise for his innovative approach, experimenting with polyrhythms and
variations. He is one of the first drummers to redefine the role of the rhythmic
section of a band: as a drummer, he would most often imply the tempo rather than follow it.
It supplied the foundations of classical music.