With the rise of colonies in the Americas and their need to incorporate laborers, Europeans focused their attention to Africa, and some asserted that the Transatlantic Slave Trade would make it possible for Africans to make contact with Christianity and 'civilisation'.
For this reason, religion was an important driver during slavery period, since Africans slaves, after their arrival to the Americas, were subject to different methods to make them more docile, being Christianity a crucial part.
It unified and increased the power of the national state. It increased the feeling of French nationalism, and it set a precedent for a democratic French government.
The fourth category of city government is the commission form. Commissioners, elected to head and administer the individual departments of the city government together form a council that is the policy-making and law-making body.
Luther disguised himself as a knight named Junker Jörg and spent his time translating the New Testament from Greek into German so common people could read it.